“Boundless Women Doing Boundless Things” Pop-Up Event to Feature “Hey, Honey!”
Maryland residents, here’s a chance to visit with Paula I. Carr in and enjoy light refreshments, music and more!
(October 27, 2018, Washington, D.C.)– “Hey, Honey!” creator and author Paula I. Carr will be appearing at “Boundless Women Doing Boundless Things.” This pop-up shop, hosted by Day2Day Creations will be held on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the Comfort Inn in Largo, MD. Doors will open at 11am and close at 3pm. This event will showcase local African-American, women-owned businesses and will provide a wonderful opportunity for on-site sales and networking with potential customers and other African-American women business owners. This event is FREE, open to the public and will be widely publicized.
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